我們的Lead Crystal?動力電池具有較高的安培小時(Ah)容量,能夠在電池需要承受不同溫度、沖擊和振動的環境中工作,因此,我們的Lead Crystal?動力電池經常用于需要日常使用的應用中,因此需要更快的充電速度,以便快速恢復電力。
Traction Batteries - Lithium Like Performance 6V, 8V & 12V
EVFJ Light Traction Range
The EVFJ range of cyclic batteries differs from the CNFJ range of batteries as it is designed specifically for demanding start/stop applications which at turn-on require a higher peak current and a faster discharge referred to as Motive Power.
With a high Ampere-hour (Ah) capacity and capable of operating in environments where the batteries need to withstand varying temperatures, shocks and vibrations our Lead Crystal? traction battery is often used in applications which require daily use so require a faster charging rate in order to regain power quickly.
Light Traction Lead Crystal? batteries differ to the stationary battery as they are designed to give out power over a non-stop length of time and used in applications where power is needed for propulsion of equipment such as forklifts, golf carts, floor-scrubbers, etc.
Our EVFJ battery is manufactured to function as a deep cycle battery returning 3 – 7 x longer life depth of discharge (DoD) compared to other battery manufacturers performance.
Deep cycle batteries outperform the standard cyclic battery and provide 1500 cycles at 80% – double the best in class GEL battery and triple the best in class lead acid battery.
The EVFJ range of batteries can be considered for most DC motor loads (high current/peaks i.e. passenger lifts) and has the same chemical make-up as the CNFJ range, therefore the higher cyclic features and hotter temperature operations plus longer service life are still applicable.
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- 德國LeadCrysta鉛晶電池CNFJ2V系列參數型號表 2024-12-27
- 電 話:15810263599
- 銷售經理:楊瑞
- 手 機:15810263599
- 傳 真:010-57192139
- 微 信:15321181787